Answers for questions you didn't realize you had

County Commissioners are responsible for keeping us safe, meeting the public needs, creating opportunities, and advancing the prosperity of our communities and the county as a whole. County Commissioners are responsible for constructing the budget and managing county buildings and services.

what does a county commissioner do?

County Commissioners administer policies, enact ordinances, create, adopt the budget and allocate funding for departments and projects around the county. County Commissioners are responsible for child welfare, consumer protection,planning and zoning, economic and community development, employement training, and water quality, to name a few responsibilities.

In short, County Commissioners have the ability to take measures to improve our local economies, adopt policies and take direct action to make our housing more affordable, among many other things.

What are the qualifications To Be a county commissioner?

The qualifications needed to be a county commissioner are detailed in our State Law (ORC 305.01). Candidates are required to be at least 18 and a resident of/registered voter of one of the townships within the county.

Why do you want to be a county commissioner

I love Clermont County. I've spent large chunks of my life here. I graduated from Glen Este. Even though I was n't born here, Clermont County feels like home. But there are challenges we face here in this county: high cost of housing, 11 townships without access to food and urgent medical care, substance abuse problems, aging infrastructure...

I believe the current Board of Commissioners lack the creativity and imagination required to find solutions to those challenges. So, instead of beginning to address them they focus on economic development in Union, Batavia and Miami Townships, attracting new businesses by subsidizing them with tax incentives.

There is a better way.

I've researched these issues and have learned that cities and counties all across the country have been finding innovative solutions for these very same challenges. We deserve leaders who will work with all communities solutions for the barriers to their prosperity

Why do you believe you'd be a better job than 'the other guy'?

The best practice for a county's economic development is to make sure that the local economies and the human infrastructure (child care, affordable housing, transportation, etc.) are robust and resilient. My opponent has determined that the needs that are required to be addressed in order to build that foundation outweigh the county's resources and that public dollars should be spent on attracting new businesses instead. Under the current Board of Commissioners milliions of dollars intended for projects in the most economically distressed areas have promised to the round-a-bout project in Union Township, without having received any community input.

As County Commissioner I will take my job as public servant seriously and will work every day to earn the public trust and to restore the transparency and integrity of our county's government.